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Northwest Jackson Soccer League (NJSL)

Northwest Jackson Soccer League (NJSL)

Basic Info

NJSL is a recreational soccer league with opportunities for ages four through adult. Specific information about our leagues can be found on the following pages:
  1. 4/5 Year Old League
  2. Youth League
  3. Adult League

Jerseys  - A jersey is required for all players. Jerseys are yellow and/or green and jerseys from past years may be worn. New jerseys may be purchased for $20 at the start of each season. Check the news section for the dates of jersey sales at the start of the season.

Shinguards - Shinguards must be worn for practices and games.  Socks need to be separate from shinguards and must completely cover the shinguards.

Shoes - It is not mandatory that players wear cleats.  Cleats may not have a "toe" cleat.  If your child has shoes with a toe cleat, it can be cut off and the shoe may be used.

Thunder and/or lightning rule - a coach cannot call a game, the referee has to.  If there is thunder and lighting for a game, the referee has to call it.  A coach can call practice if the weather is severe.  If there is thunder or lightning for practice, a coach will call it.  Safety is always first. If it is just raining, practice and games will continue.  (One time there was snow and hail - we play.) 

Code of Conduct - all NJSL participants will be required to read and affirm the NJSL Code of Conduct and Anti-Bullying Policy prior to registration.

Nobody is allowed to sit or stand at either end of the field during games.

Parents for each team help with halftime drink and post game snacks.  The coach should set up a rotation and send it to you and provide you with any allergies on your team.  

Soccer ball size:

4-5’s: size 3
6-7’s: size 3
8-9’s: size 4
10-11’s: size 4
12-13’s: size 5
14-18’s: size 5

If you need to purchase a soccer ball, please buy the appropriate size.  Any size may be used, but I strongly encourage that you supply your child with the size that that they will play with in games.  It is not mandatory that your child have their own ball, but we will practice many drills that require each child to have a ball and if your child needs to share, they will miss out on some important practice time.

REFUND POLICY – It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to inform the NJSL of a refund request, before August 21st.  Refunds will be given only in the following circumstances: 1) the family moves out of town, or 2) a written doctor’s excuse presented  before August 21st, or, 3) a registrant cannot be placed on a team. Special consideration is given to NJSL players who try out and are placed on a local high school soccer team.  NO refunds for ADULT DIVISION. 



Northwest Jackson Soccer League
7257 Fulton Dr NW STE 59, PMB 280
Canton, Ohio 44718

Email: [email protected]

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